To make it easy for you, I also upload my padlet project as online above.You can see it here as well:) Here is the question...What is the PADLET ? Actually, I have learned about this app in my Instructional Technologies and Material Design lesson.Padlet is an online post-it board.You can use it for putting some reminders, briefmf knowldege about a topic.It can be thought as a brainstorming tool.The onky difference with thd virtual one is this is online:))
First have an account.Then start to write your brief exolanations.You can choose the background on yourself.It surely will make the remembering easier.
I also can edit a padlet for my students after the lesson to make their learning much more permanent.What a great platform:))I should also say that it was so easy to use.Then why don't you try producing a padlet on yourself ? Let me know about yours.I hope you like mine.Check it and let me know about your comments.
Click the link:)
Take care ! Play the waiting game until the next post;)
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