3 Nisan 2020 Cuma


Hi friends! What a beautiful day isn't it ? If it is not for you I want to suggest something that will contribute to make your day much better! I tried to prepare an animation for you.Why should teachers use these kind of things in their class ? Surely the things I share with you make our lessons much more enjoyable, understandable and efficient.We do not want to be the kind of teachers that can be called classical or typical.For better learning; various platforms, apps, activities will help us and surely ANIMATION is one of them.I as a prospective English teacher started to benefit from these platforms for the future.You know that language learning necessitates much more self devotion and so we are to use these platforms surely.Supposing that we understand the importance of these apps and activities I want to share my own experience with the animation preparation.
 Firstly, you should have an app or software for preparing this.I preferred using the TOONTASTIC app for making mine.You can say I dont know how to use it but I must say that it is not so difficult.Actually the app itself directs you.At the first stage you should choose a setting for your animation.Then the characters you will use should be chosen.After completing your choices, you can start to prepare it.In terms of my subject which is "Simple present tense" I chose a setting like a school.Then I added the teacher and my students.I started to record my voice while telling the subject to my students.What is important is that while I am speaking my character also should looks like speaking.Definitely this will make my animation much more realistic.I also added a background music which I liked so much
It was a relaxing one surely.Then I exported it and shared it with you:)
 It was my first trial and I must say that it made me so excited and cheerful:) I tried to tell the usage of the Simple present tense with some examples.I hope you like it:) If you like it, let me know guys:) Maybe you can try to make one, as well:))
 Here is my animation.Enjoy it ! Take care😊

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